A brochure for a product called lime lady.
A package of key lime juice powder with a picture of a lime on it.

Dehydrated Lemon Juice Powder Technical Data Sheet


Powder light green tending to white, obtained from natural key lime juice. It has a slightly bitter taste, characteristic of the Mexican Lime.


Because it is a powder, it occupies only 10% of the space that liquid lime occupies. It does not require refrigeration, just to be stored in a cool and dry place. Therefore you have better control of inventories and the taste is standardized.

Physicochemical Stability:

Because it is a controlled process, it is certain that the parameters of pH, humidity, acidity and granulometry vary within a very narrow range and always within specifications, so that a product almost the same as the previous one will always be obtained, with the consequent saving of analysis and reformulations.

Microbiological Stability:

Due to the type of drying to which it is subjected, it is guaranteed that it always has a low microbial load within parameters and the total absence of pathogens. Due to the fact that it is a product with very little humidity, it is not possible that there is bacterial reproduction or of fungi and yeasts; Unlike liquid lemon juice, which contains approximately 90% water, therefore it is possible that bacterial, fungal and yeast reproduction occurs.


Due to its distinctive and characteristic flavor, it is used as a substitute for liquid natural key lime juice in snacks, prepared drinks, mayonnaise and in general for any formulation that includes the use of key lime.

Organoleptic Specifications:

Powder yellowish green in color tending to white with a slightly bitter taste, characteristic of the Mexican lemon.

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